Tea-cake for an evening

I was about to wind up my day’s work and felt hungry. Suddenly I remembered the Tea-cake recipe, which I had been through http://simpleindianrecipes.com/instantcake.aspx .

Took my tea mug and baked my tea-cake in my micro-oven in 10 minutes. Due to technical reasons it took 10 minutes, otherwise, it is 5 minutes only according to the above mentioned site. I gave my thanks to my God Almighty for the cake and relished. You can try, it is very simple.

Required Ingredient


  • Three spoon full Oil (vegetable Oil)
  • Three full spoon Sugar (powdered)
  • Three spoon full milk
  • Three spoon scoop of All-purpose flour (maida)
  • Three spoon Cocoa powder
  • One Egg
  • 1/4 spoon Backing powder
  • 1/4 spoon Cooking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
  • 1/4 spoon Almond-Essence (Optional)

Preparation (max. 5 min.)

  1. Pre-heat the micro-oven in grill mode for 5 minutes to set the temperature inside the oven.
  2. Spread the cooking oil inside the Tea-mug.
  3. Add oil, sugar and milk. Mix them well with the spoon.
  4. Add egg, also mix it nicely.DSC03664
  5. Add All-purpose flour, Cocoa powder, Baking powder and Cooking soda. Mix them well.
  6. Place the Tea-mug with the mixed dough and bake it for 5 minutes – Grill mode. (max heat facility  in my oven is 750 deg.)
  7. After five minutes, I changed the backing mode into Grill cum micro-oven mode for another 3 minutes.
  8. Take the ***hot*** Tea-mug outside with precaution and check by inserting a spoon at the side of the cake. If the spoon gets a stick dough, then  bake it for another 2 or 3 minutes in the same Grill cum micro-oven mode
  9. Hot or cooled, it’s your choice, with tea or coffee, relish the cake.





Warning (Disclaim): The recipe for the baking is the own experience of the author of this blog.
The author of this blog is not responsible for any liability or claims for any adverse results.