Sambar Dish – Indian Delicacy

Sambar Dish  – Recipe

It is a common preparation in South-India and preferred to eat with cooked-rice at every level of the society. It is eaten with cooked-rice, Idlli and Dosai. It is become a most likable dish all over India too. It is good to serve it hot.

Estimated Time to prepare 0.30 minutes.

Required Ingredient

(can be served for five people sumptuously with boiled-rice or Idli or Dhosai as a meal)

  • Three cups (250 gm) of Arhar-Dhal – Lentil
    (Split without skin – Arhar Dhall in Hindi, Tuvaram Paruppu in Tamil)
  • 50 gm Oil (vegetable Oil)
  • 1 & 1/2 spoon Red Chilli Powder
  • 1 spoonful Coriander Powder (Dhania)
  • 1/4 spoon Turmeric (Haldi)
  • 1/4 spoon Black Pepper Power (Kali Mirch)
  • 1/4 spoon Fenugreek (Methi) seeds
  • One spoon full salt
  • One medium size Onion (Piyaj) sliced thinly
  • Three medium size  Tomato (Tamatar) sliced in to small pieces
  • Two handful of Cut vegetables of any one of your choice – Murungai (Drum-stick(Faliyan) and Brinjal (Baingan))
  • 4 Garlic (Lazen) pieces smashed
  • a Pinch of Asafoetida (eenk) powdered
  • one finger tamarind juice extract – it is OPTIONAL. (it is a preservative to keep the dish for longer hours)


  1. Boil three cups of Lentil (Arhar-Dhal) in a pressure-cooker for 05 minutes. Take the boiled Lentil and smash and keep them ready.
  2. In a frying pan pour 50 gm oil and heat the oil in half flame of the stove and spread the oil inside the pan by lightly lifting and tilting the pan in different directions on the stove.
  3. Add 1/4 spoon Fenugreek (Methi) seeds in the oil and fry it till it becomes dark-brown. Bring the flame of the stove into low from the half-flame position.
  4. Add one and half spoon Red-chilly (Lal-Mirch) powder, One spoonful Coriander (Dhania) powder, 1/4 spoon  Aniseed (Somph) powder or full, 1/4 spoon Turmeric (Haldi) and 1/4 spoon Pepper powder (Kali Mirch) in the pan and stir the added content  by the large spoon till you get the smell out-of-the-mix (Masala) -apx. 2 minutes) **Reminder*** make this process in a slow flame ******
  5. Add half of the sliced onion in to the pan and fry it for 3 minutes then add the sliced Tomato in to the pan and stir the mix in the pan for a moment and close the pan with a lid for 5 minutes and BRING THE STOVE TO SLOW FLAME  *** the reason behind closing the pan is to make the Tomato completely smudged in the heat to loose its shape ***
  6. Then add the sliced vegetables turn them with a spoon in the pan, then add 5 cups of water and add the salt stir it well and close the lid covering half of the pan, which will avoid the dish spill over the stove during the process. Increase the flame slightly (less than half to the indication of the stove) Wait for 10 minutes.
  7. Now add the boiled and smashed dhall (Lentil) in to the pan and add the rest of the onion and garlic in the mix. Add water to the needful consistency of the sambar. (the consistency of sambar mix is as such, it could be poured from a spoon). Taste the sambar-dish and check for the sufficiency of salt. Keep the mix in the stove for 5 minutes in half flame then close the stove. Serve it to the taste with Boiled Rice or Iddli or Dosai.


  • All the preparation shall be done in the Slow-flame of the stove.
  • Any one vegetable shall be added to address/name of the sambar-dish preparation, for example, Murungai-kai Sambar (Drum-stickSambarorSajjan-kiSambarorFaliyan-Sambar),orKajar-ki Sambar(Carrot-Sambar), etc.
      • Warning: Add the Veg. quantity to the need (less is always good – to 02 handful according to this recipe), otherwise this preparation would be tuned into Mix-vegetable (Subzi).

Flavour and Dressing

  • Little  Curry Leaves (Kurry Patha) – 5 to 6 leaf and little thinly chopped Onions shall be fried in one tea-spoonful oil (till the onion become brown/dark-brown) and then pour them into the sambar preparation to add more flavour.
  • Also, Pluck the selected Dhania (Coriander) leaves and spread it on the top of the sambar then stir it to add the taste; do this as an end of the process.

Drum-stick - vegetable - a South-Indian Delicacy.

Comment by the author

When it is eaten with cooked-rice, I prefer and enjoy Egg-omelet as a side dish. Also, Lime-pickle is suitable.

All the best and enjoy sambar-dish. Kindly make your comments.

  • Warning: The recipe to prepare Sambar dish is the own experience of the author of this blog. The author of this blog is not responsible for any liability or claims for any adverse results.

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Dosai and Iddli – Indian Delicacy

DOSAI / IDDLI- South Indian Delicacy

This is a South Indian Delicacy and becomes INTERNATIONAL. This is also a traditional and casual food in the parts of South India and eaten by all the levels of the society. This “Dosai” (itself a vegetarian food) is made in verities with vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian kinds.

Bull's-Eye over Dosai in the makingDosai is eaten with Chutney (Coconut chutney, Onion & Chilly Chutney, Tomato Chutney, Pudina Chutney, Coriander-Leaf Chutney, etc.), Sambar, Dosai Powder, etc.

Non-veg. people normally prefer to eat dosai with spicy and watery Mutton Curry (gravy) and thick chutney.

All the most, it is eaten both simple and grand manner.

Vegetarian verities such as

  • Plain Dosai
  • Ghee Dosai
  • Cheese Dosai
  • Dosai with nuts
  • Onion Uthappam
  • Panneer Uthappam
  • Onion Tomato Uthappam and so on ….

Note:      “Uthappam”is nothing but the thickness of the dosai.

Uthappam  is thicker than the normal Dosai.

Non-Veg. verities such as

  • Mutton-Keema Dosai (spread of minced and cooked meat with spices)
  • Egg Dosai
  • Chicken Dosai (spread of cooked boneless chicken pieces with spices)

Ingredients for Dosai / Iddli

  • Urad Dal 1/2 cup (White Dhall – Urad skin removed)
  • 1 cup Brown Rice (Sela Chawal – it is called steamed or boiled rice)  and
    1 cup Ordinary Rice (Parmal Chawal)

Soak them in water in different containers for about 05-06 hrs.

  • First grind Urad Dall  using less water,
  • if possible stop the grinding in-between and stir the Urad dal by hand or by a spoon and add little water  and continue grinding till it becomes plump and soft then pour it in a container.
  • Now, grind the soaked rice nicely, You can add LITTLE water in between the grinding.
  • Pour both, Urad  Dall and rice batter  in a container. The container capacity may be of Four times of the quantity of the grind-batter-mix.
  • Add 03 TEA spoon full salt in the grind-batter and mix them well.
  • Wait for another 06 hours to prepare delicious DOSAI or IDLY. After 06 hours once the batter container is opened, a fermented smell comes out from the batter and confirms the readiness of the batter to make Dosai or Iddli, according to your wish.

Ingredients for Potato Mix (Masala)

  • Potatoes 02 (Nos) – Medium size
  • Onion 02 (Nos)  – Medium size
  • Tomatoes 01 (No) – Optional
  • Green Chilli 02 (or Red Chilli)
  • Salt one tea-spoon,
  • Turmeric-powder (Haldi) one quarter of a tea-spoon.

Follow this process in slim fire, which is added to the taste in the gas-stove

  • Boil potato – cut them in small pieces and keep them separately.
  • Pour 02 tea-spoon oil in a frying pan, first add chillies, then, add Mustard (Sarson) of half tea-spoon, and then, add one tea-spoon broken-Urad-Dal in it (be watchful that  Urad-dall does not go black) then add the chopped onion.
  • Smash the potato with the spoon while stirring it.
  • Add 1/2 cup water (or less than 1/2 cup) and stir it.
  • Increase the fire and check the thickness of the preparation to your and taste and turn-off the stove burner.

Dosai Making

  • Heat the frying-pan or  a thick iron plate (preferable) in the stove in medium flame for few minutes, then bring it to slow flame.
  • Apply cooking-oil all over the frying-pan.(half cut onion or potato can be used to apply oil to save your fingers from the heat.Egg-Dosai with Dosai-Powder as served
  • Apply the mixed-batter in the center of the frying-pan with a large spoon and spread the batter slowly in a round pattern. Do not give pressure to the spoon, otherwise batter will stick to the spoon and the shape will be spoiled
  • Sprinkle oil with a spoon dipped in oil over the dosai to make it crisp and brown.
  • Turn Dosai after seeing dry surface with a flat spoon. Again after one or two minutes turn and check for the crispy surface and serve it with likable chutney and enjoy eating Dosai.

Iddli Making

  • Pour water in the iddli-cooker container just ½ an inch below the last iddli-plate, so that the boiling water will not touch the batter filled iddli-plate and spoil the process.
  • Apply a drop of cooking-oil in the iddli-plates, where the batter is to be placed.Iddly and Vadai in the Restaurant
  • Cook for 15 minutes in slow fire in the iddli-cooker or in the pressure cooker without WHISTLE (weight).
  • Take the container out of stove and sprinkle water over the cooked iddli. Remove the iddli from the plates and wait for five minutes, then serve them with coconut Chutney and Sambar. (refer the other article to prepare Chutney and Sambar)2012-07-26 09.31.36

Warning : The above recipe to prepare Dosai is the own experience of the author of this blog. The author of this blog is not responsible for any liability for any adverse results.




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