Enemies – from the New Testament (KJV)

A morning sight on the wayToChen2013-04-21

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I am no preacher, but, am a prime sinner and living in this world in HIS mercy. For a sinner like me too, when I read “The Holy Bible” KJV,  the following verses were given in the context of “Enemies” from the New Testament.

Mat 5:44  But I say unto you,
Love your enemies,
bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you,
and persecute you;

Mat 22:44  The LORD said unto my Lord,
Sit thou on my right hand,
till I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Mar 12:36  For David himself said by the Holy Ghost,
The LORD said to my Lord,
Sit thou on my right hand,
till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Luk 1:71  That we should be saved from our enemies,
and from the hand of all that hate us;

72. To perform the mercy  promised to our fathers,
and to remember his holy covenant;
73. The oath which he
sware to our father Abraham,
74. That he would grant unto us,

Luk 1:74  That he would grant unto us,
that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies
might serve him without fear,

75. In holiness and righteousness before him,
all the days of our life.

Luk 6:27  But I say unto you which hear,
Love your enemies,
do good to them which hate you,

Luk 6:35  But love ye your enemies,
and do good,
and lend,
hoping for nothing again;
and your reward shall be great,
and ye shall be the children of the Highest:
for he is kind unto the unthankful and  to the evil.

Luk 19:27  But those mine enemies,
which would not
that I should reign over them,
bring hither,
and slay them before me.

Luk 19:43  For the days shall come upon thee,
that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee,
and compass thee round,
and keep thee in on every side,

Luk 20:43  Till I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Rom 5:10  For if, when we were enemies,
we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son,
much more,
being reconciled,
we shall be saved by his life.

Rom 11:28  As concerning the gospel,
they are enemies for your sakes:
but as touching the election,
they are beloved for the fathers’ sakes.

1Co 15:25  For he must reign,
till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

Phi 3:18  (For many walk,
of whom I have told you often,
and now tell you even weeping,
that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

19. Whose end  is destruction,
whose God  is their belly,
and  whose glory  is in their shame,
who mind earthly things.)

Col 1:21  And you, that were sometime alienated
and enemies in  your mind by wicked works,
yet now hath he reconciled

Heb 1:13  But to which of the angels said he at any time,
Sit on my right hand,
until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

Heb 10:13  From henceforth expecting till
his enemies be made his footstool.

Rev 11:5  And if any man will hurt them,
fire proceedeth out of their mouth,
and devoureth their enemies:
and if any man will hurt them,
he must in this manner be killed.

Rev 11:12  And they heard a great voice from heaven
saying unto them,
Come up hither.
And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud;
and their enemies beheld them.

WordWeb meaning for “Enemies”

Noun: enemy  e-nu-mee

  1. An opposing military force
    “the enemy attacked at dawn
  2. (military) an armed adversary (especially a member of an opposing military force)
    “a soldier must be prepared to kill his enemies”;
    foe, foeman [archaic], opposition
  3. Any hostile group of people
    “he viewed lawyers as the real enemy”
  4. A personal enemy
    “they had been political enemies for years”;

Derived forms: enemies

Type of: adversary, antagonist, challenger, competition, competitor, contender, force,
military force, military group, military unit, opponent, opposer, people, resister, rival

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Adversary – From the Holy Bible (KJV)

I am no preacher, but, am a prime sinner and living in this world in HIS mercy. For a sinner like me too, when I read “The Holy Bible” KJV, God gave me the following verses in the context of “Adversary” from Genesis till Revelation.

From the Old Testament (KJV)

Exo 23:22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice,
and do all that I speak;
then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies,
and an adversary unto thine adversaries.

Num 22:22 And God’s anger was kindled because he went:
and the angel of the LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him.
Now he was riding upon his ass,
and his two servants  were with him.

1Sa 1:6 And her adversary also provoked her sore,
for to make her fret,
because the LORD had shut up her womb.

1Sa 29:4 And the princes of the Philistines were wroth with him;
and the princes of the Philistines said unto him,
Make this fellow return,
that he may go again to his place
which thou hast appointed him,
and let him not go down with us to battle,
lest in the battle he be an adversary to us:
for wherewith should he reconcile himself unto his master?
should it not  be with the heads of these men?

1Ki 5:4 But now the LORD my God hath given me rest on every side,
so that there is neither adversary
nor evil occurrent.

1Ki 11:14 And the LORD stirred up an adversary unto Solomon,
Hadad the Edomite:
he  was of the king’s seed in Edom.

1Ki 11:23 And God stirred him up  another adversary,
Rezon the son of Eliadah,
which fled from his lord Hadadezer king of Zobah:

24. And he gathered men unto him,
and became captain over a band,
when David slew them  of Zobah:
and they went to Damascus,
and dwelt therein,
and reigned in Damascus.

1Ki 11:25 And he was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon,
beside the mischief that Hadad  did:
and he abhorred Israel,
and reigned over Syria.

Est 7:6 And Esther said, The adversary
and enemy  is this wicked Haman.
Then Haman was afraid before the king and the queen.

Job 31:35 Oh that one would hear me! behold, my desire  is,
that the Almighty would answer me,
and  that mine adversary had written a book.

Psa 74:10 O God, how long shall the adversary reproach?
shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?

Isa 50:8  He is near that justifieth me;
who will contend with me? let us stand together:
who  is mine adversary? let him come near to me.

Lam 1:10 The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things:
for she hath seen  that the heathen entered into her sanctuary,
whom thou didst command
that they should not enter into thy congregation.

Lam 2:4 He hath bent his bow like an enemy:
he stood with his right hand as an adversary,
and slew all  that were pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion:
he poured out his fury like fire.

Lam 4:12 The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world,
would not have believed that the adversary
and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem.

Amo 3:11 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD;
An adversary  there shall be even round about the land;
and he shall bring down thy strength from thee,
and thy palaces shall be spoiled.

From the New Testament (KJV)

Mat 5:25 Agree with thine adversary quickly,
whiles thou art in the way with him;
lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge,
and the judge deliver thee to the officer,
and thou be cast into prison.

Luk 12:58 When thou goest with thine adversary to the magistrate,
as thou art in the way,
give diligence that thou mayest be delivered from him;
lest he hale thee to the judge,
and the judge deliver thee to the officer,
and the officer cast thee into prison.

Luk 18:3 And there was a widow in that city;
and she came unto him, saying,
Avenge me of mine adversary.

1Ti 5:14 I will therefore that the younger women marry,
bear children,
guide the house,
give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.

1Pe 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant;
because your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion,
walketh about,
seeking whom he may devour:

9. Whom resist stedfast in the faith,
knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren
that are in the world.

WordWeb Meaning for “adversary”

Noun: adversary  ‘ad-vur,se-ree or ad-vu,se-ree
[N. Amer], ‘ad-vi-s(u-)ree or ud’vur-su-ree [Brit]

    1. Someone who offers opposition
      antagonist, opponent, opposer, resister

Derived forms: adversaries

Type of: individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul

Encyclopedia: Adversary

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