‘robbers’….. mentioned in the Holy Bible (KJV)

RobbersAll that ever came before me
are thieves and robbers:

but the sheep did not hear them. – Joh 10:8

Read . . . .…Richy!….Rich!!….’rich’…. in the Old Testament (KJV)

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I am no preacher, but, am a prime sinner and living in this world in HIS mercy. For a sinner like me too, when I read “The Holy Bible” KJV,  the following verses were given in the context of “robbers”.

Job 12:6 The tabernacles of robbers prosper,
and they that provoke God are secure;
into whose hand God bringeth abundantly.

Isa 42:24 Who gave Jacob for a spoil,
and Israel to the robbers? did not the LORD,
he against whom we have sinned?
for they would not walk in his ways,
neither were they obedient unto his law.

Jer 7:11 Is this house, which is called by my name,
become a den of robbers in your eyes?
Behold, even I have seen it, saith the LORD.

Eze 7:22 My face will I turn also from them,
and they shall pollute my secret place:
for the robbers shall enter into it,
and defile it.

Dan 11:14 And in those times there shall many stand up
against the king of the south:
also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves
to establish the vision;
but they shall fall.

Hos 6:9 And as troops of robbers wait for a man,
so the company of priests murder
in the way by consent:
for they commit lewdness.

Hos 7:1 When I would have healed Israel,
then the iniquity of Ephraim was discovered,
and the wickedness of Samaria:
for they commit falsehood;
and the thief cometh in,
and the troop of robbers spoileth without.

Oba 1:5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night,
(how art thou cut off!)
would they not have stolen till they had enough?
if the grapegatherers came to thee,
would they not leave some grapes?

Joh 10:8 All that ever came before me
are thieves and robbers:

but the sheep did not hear them.

Act 19:37 For ye have brought hither these men,
which are neither robbers of churches,
nor yet blasphemers of your goddess.

2Co 11:26 In journeyings often,
in perils of waters,
in perils of robbers,
in perils by mine own countrymen,
in perils by the heathen,
in perils in the city,
in perils in the wilderness,
in perils in the sea,
in perils among false brethren;

Extras to boost your . . . . . . .

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About David Mathi Raj Samuel
I am engaged in the computer field since 1977, particularly in Documentation, Desktop Publishing & Training field since 1986. The design work provides me creative satisfaction and motivates me to look for more challenging activities. I have a taste for Technical Writing. Presently, I am a Freelancer. My SME (Subject-Matter Expert) is "The Holy Bible (KJV)" and publishing the "Subject" from the Holy Bible only. I use CorelDraw X5 & X6 to create my flyers. I emphasize, that, I am no preacher, I am nothing special, but, an average man. Personally, I am from the bottom of the society, Tamil speaking 'Adhi-Dravida' community in Tamil Nadu, India. Father was Head-master of a municipal Higher Secondary School, passed at the age of 50 (05/05/1922 – 03/07/1972). Mother was a Teacher in a Municipal Higher Secondary School, passed after her retirement (08/04/1927 – 17/12/1993). Now I am living in New Delhi, India.

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