Wrong – from the Holy Bible (KJV)

2013-03-20_07-45-37_320Therefore the law is slacked,
and judgment doth never go forth:
for the wicked doth compass about the righteous;
therefore wrong judgment proceedeth. –Hab 1:4

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I am no preacher, but, am a prime sinner and living in this world in HIS mercy. For a sinner like me too, when I read “The Holy Bible” KJV,  the following verses were given in the context of “Wrong” .

Gen 16:5 And Sarai said unto Abram,
My wrong  be upon thee:
I have given my maid into thy bosom;
and when she saw that she had conceived,
I was despised in her eyes:
the LORD judge between me and thee.

Jdg 11:27 Wherefore I have not sinned against thee,
but thou doest me wrong to war against me:
the LORD the Judge be judge this day
between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon.

1Ch 12:17 And David went out to meet them,
and answered and said unto them,
If ye be come peaceably unto me to help me,
mine heart shall be knit unto you:
but if  ye be come to betray me to mine enemies,
seeing  there is no wrong in mine hands,
the God of our fathers look  thereon,
and rebuke  it.

Est 1:16 And Memucan answered before the king and the princes,
Vashti the queen hath not done wrong to the king only,
but also to all the princes,
and to all the people that  are in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus.

Hab 1:4 Therefore the law is slacked,
and judgment doth never go forth:
for the wicked doth compass about the righteous;
therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.

Act 7:26 And the next day he shewed himself unto them as they strove,
and would have set them at one again,
saying, Sirs, ye are brethren;
why do ye wrong one to another?

Act 7:27 But he that did his neighbour wrong thrust him away,
saying, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us?

Act 18:14 And when Paul was now about to open  his mouth,
Gallio said unto the Jews,
If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness,
O  ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you:

Col 3:25 But he that doeth wrong
shall receive for the wrong
which he hath done:
and there is no respect of persons.

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About David Mathi Raj Samuel
I am engaged in the computer field since 1977, particularly in Documentation, Desktop Publishing & Training field since 1986. The design work provides me creative satisfaction and motivates me to look for more challenging activities. I have a taste for Technical Writing. Presently, I am a Freelancer. My SME (Subject-Matter Expert) is "The Holy Bible (KJV)" and publishing the "Subject" from the Holy Bible only. I use CorelDraw X5 & X6 to create my flyers. I emphasize, that, I am no preacher, I am nothing special, but, an average man. Personally, I am from the bottom of the society, Tamil speaking 'Adhi-Dravida' community in Tamil Nadu, India. Father was Head-master of a municipal Higher Secondary School, passed at the age of 50 (05/05/1922 – 03/07/1972). Mother was a Teacher in a Municipal Higher Secondary School, passed after her retirement (08/04/1927 – 17/12/1993). Now I am living in New Delhi, India.

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